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We have a wide variety of other items including Bottle Stoppers, Bracelet Assistants, Kaleidoscopes, Laser Pointers, Letter Openers, Mini Stylus, Perfume Pens, Pill Boxes, Purse Hangers, Razor Handles, and Seam Rippers.
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Area 51 Mini Stylus
A small stylus with a 2" nylon lanyard with silicone plug for attaching to any earphone jack. The ru..
Area 51 Safety Razor Handle
A safety razor is a shaving implement with a protective device positioned betwee..
Area51 Laser Pointer
5mw green laser pointer with a range of 1000 Meters. The laser pointer uses 2 AAA batteries...
Asian Satinwood Safety Razor Handle
A safety razor is a shaving implement with a protective device positioned betwee..
Baby Pink Mini Stylus
A small stylus with a 2" nylon lanyard with silicone plug for attaching to any earphone jack. The ru..
Banana Grape Pill Box
These hand crafted pill boxes are 1.5" in diameter and 5/8" deep and have 3 compartments to store a..
Banana Split Mini Stylus
A small stylus with a 2" nylon lanyard with silicone plug for attaching to any earphone jack. The ru..
Bethlehem Olivewood Mini Stylus
A small stylus with a 2" nylon lanyard with silicone plug for attaching to any earphone jack. The ru..
Bethlehem Olivewood Razor Handle
This razor handle is designed to use the Gillette® Mach3® razor one of the most popular razor blades..
Bethlemhem Olivewood Letter Opener
As its name implies Bethlehem Olivewood comes from Olive trees in the Holy land. The trees require r..
Black & Berry Camo Mini Stylus
A small stylus with a 2" nylon lanyard with silicone plug for attaching to any earphone jack. The ru..
Black Pearl Purse Hanger
Great beautiful and convenient to carry. It's used to hang your handbag from a table or bar when you..
Black Walnut Bracelet Assistant
Walnut, American Walnut, Black Walnut, Juglans Nigra-Black Walnut grows in the Eastern US and Cana..
Bloodwood Razor Handle
This razor handle is designed to use the Gillette® Mach3® razor one of the most popular razor blades..