Cigar Pens

Cigar Pens

Cigar Style Pens

These pens have a much beefier profile and a very solid feel. This larger diameter style of pen will not get lost on the desk and will make impact when used. They have a twist mechanism and use Parker refills available in ballpoint and gel.

California Redwood Burl Ultra Cigar Pen

California Redwood Burl Ultra Cigar Pen

A burl of the California Redwood deep red/brown color with pronounced burl eyes and swirls. A burl..


Cantaloupe Cigar Pen
Cappuccino Cigar Pen
Cherry Blossom Cigar Pen
Cherry Burl Cigar Pen

Cherry Burl Cigar Pen

Cherry Burl is a domestic wood that is usually considered to be in the same class as mahogany for ..


Citrine Water Cigar Pen
Cloud II Cigar Pen

Cloud II Cigar Pen



Cobra cigar pen

Cobra cigar pen

Made from snakeskin cast in polyester resin and hand turned on the lathe...


Cocobolo Cigar Pen

Cocobolo Cigar Pen

One of the true tropical rosewoods, Cocobolo is a very beautiful wood, ranging from a beautiful ri..


Cocobolo Ultra Cigar Pen

Cocobolo Ultra Cigar Pen

One of the true tropical rosewoods, Cocobolo is a very beautiful wood, ranging from a beautiful ri..


Corn Cigar Cob Pen

Corn Cigar Cob Pen

This pen is made out of dried corn cob...


Cotton Candy Pink Cigar Pen
Crocus Cigar Pen

Crocus Cigar Pen



Cupids Arrow Cigar Pen
Deep Purple Cigar Pen
Deer Antler Cigar Pen

Deer Antler Cigar Pen

Made from deer antler hand turned on the lathe...


Diamondback Rattlesnake Cigar Pen

Diamondback Rattlesnake Cigar Pen

Made from snakeskin cast in polyester resin and hand turned on the lathe...


Doodles Cigar Pen

Doodles Cigar Pen



Ebony Cigar Pen

Ebony Cigar Pen

Gabon Ebony (or Black Ebony) is a very dense, very hard wood with straight to slightly interlocked..


Electric Disco Cigar Pen
Showing 21 to 40 of 106 (6 Pages)