Cigar Pens

Cigar Pens

Cigar Style Pens

These pens have a much beefier profile and a very solid feel. This larger diameter style of pen will not get lost on the desk and will make impact when used. They have a twist mechanism and use Parker refills available in ballpoint and gel.

Osage Orange Cigar Pen

Osage Orange Cigar Pen

Osage Orange is also known as Mora. Argentine Osage Orange is much larger and higher quality than ..


Padauk Cigar Pen

Padauk Cigar Pen

Padauk is found in Central Africa. It is a vivid blood red with darker streaks. It is an attractiv..


Parrot Bay Cigar Pen
Persian Blue Cigar Pen
Pink Grapefruit Ultra Cigar Pen
Pink Ivory Cigar Pen

Pink Ivory Cigar Pen

No, not the tusk from a pink elephant, but a beautiful wood from Mozambique. Pink Ivory, with its ..


Pink Ivory Ultra Cigar Pen

Pink Ivory Ultra Cigar Pen

No, not the tusk from ?a pink elephant, but a beautiful wood from Mozambique. Pink Ivory, with its..


Pink Purple Swirl Cigar Pen
Plum Pudding Cigar Pen
Pomegranate Martini Cigar Pen
Precious Metal Cigar Pen
Purple Haze Cigar Pen
Purple Monster Cigar Pen
PurpleHeart Cigar Pen

PurpleHeart Cigar Pen

One of the most distinctive woods in the world, purpleheart is prized for its very unusual deep pu..


Python Cigar Pen

Python Cigar Pen

Made from snakeskin cast in polyester resin and hand turned on the lathe...


Python Ultra Cigar Pen

Python Ultra Cigar Pen

Made from real snake skin cast in polyester resin and hand turned on the lathe..


Rain Forest Cigar Pen
Rain Forest Ultra Cigar Pen
Rainbow Cigar Pen

Rainbow Cigar Pen



Roadmap Cigar Pen

Roadmap Cigar Pen



Showing 61 to 80 of 106 (6 Pages)