The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the cap on either end of the pen without tugging or threading. In addition to this handy feature, the Zen Pen offers simple, straightforward design that quietly draws attention to the turned barrel while making it a pure joy to use.
Amboyna Burl Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the ..
American Chestnut Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the c..
Black & White Ebony Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the c..
Blue Purple Swirl Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the ..
Cherry Burl Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the c..
Hawaiian Ice Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the ..
Hot Fire and Cold Ice Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the ..
Lightning Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the ..
Maple Burl Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the c..
Rain Forest Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the ..
Seasons Change Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the ..
Snow Mesh Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the ..
Spalted Maple Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the c..
Turquoise Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the ..
Waving Flags Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the ..
Zebrawood Zen Rollerball Pen
The Zen Rollerball Pen Kit features a unique magnetic pen cap design that allows you to mount the ..