
California Redwood Burl Slimline Pencil
A burl of the California Redwood deep red/brown color with pronounced burl eyes and swirls. A burl..
Cedar Slimline Pencil
Very fine textured and moderately hard for a softwood species. Shapes and carves exceptionally well..
Cherry Burl Comfort Pencil
Cherry Burl is a domestic wood that is usually considered to be in the same class as mahogany for ..
Cherry Burl Slimline Pencil
Cherry Burl is a domestic wood that is usually considered to be in the same class as mahogany for ..
Cocobolo Slimline Pencil
One of the true tropical rosewoods, Cocobolo is a very beautiful wood, ranging from a beautiful ri..
Cuban Mahogany Comfort Pencil
Over 200 years ago the Spanish created a mission on Palau. Surrounding their buildings they establ..
Ebony Comfort Pencil
Gabon Ebony (or Black Ebony) is a very dense, very hard wood with straight to slightly interlocked..
Ebony Slimline Pencil
Gabon Ebony (or Black Ebony) is a very dense, very hard wood with straight to slightly interlocked..
Flame Box Elder Comfort Pencil
The bright colors in this wood present themselves in even the smallest piece. It is perfect for ca..
Hackberry Slimline Pencil
The sapwood of Hackberry is pale yellow to grayish or greenish yellow, while the heartwood is a ye..